

近几年来,古钱币的市场行情独领风骚,与珍奇造型的艺术品相比,仍然受到钱币爱好者们的极力追捧。 光绪元宝是近代中国钱币中的精品,是中国最早的机制洋式银元,俗称“龙洋”,因银元背面一般铸有龙纹而得名,清代以来经历了多场战争,珍稀的光绪元宝损失严重。中华民族是龙的传人,在民间传说,钱币背面的龙,能增加一个人的气运,因此在中国,收藏家就极其喜欢收藏带有龙纹的藏品。

In recent years, the market of ancient coins is unique, compared with rare style art, is still popular by coin lovers. Guangxu ingot is the ancient Chinese coins, is the earliest mechanism of Chinese foreign silver yuan, commonly known as "dragon ocean", because the silver back generally cast dragon lines, since the Qing Dynasty experienced many wars, rare Guangxu ingot serious losses. The Chinese nation is the descendant of the dragon. In folklore, the dragon on the back of coins can increase a person's luck. Therefore, in China, collectors are extremely fond to collect collections with dragon lines.


The Guangxu ingot built in Yunnan Province, commonly known as "Yunnan Longyang", is named because the dragon pattern is generally cast on the back of the silver yuan. Because of the many wars since the Qing Dynasty, the loss of the dragon grain Guangxu ingot was serious, so far, the number has been extremely limited, so it has the indescribable art collection value. The guangxu yuan treasure house three money six coins, heavy 13.4g, diameter of 3.335cm, front with the bead circle boundary, can be divided into two parts, coin bead circle cast "guangxu yuan treasure", ring "Yunnan", "kuping three money six", left and right ends of the decoration of four stars, dignified and delicate font, round and full; the back of the coin is flat dragon figure, dragon long dragon, such as knives, exquisite dragon pattern.

此藏品云南省造光绪元宝三钱六分 , 藏品的品相较好,字体清晰,形制规整,质地优良,字体笔法流畅,纹饰刻制工细,此种钱币存世量稀少,有较高的收藏价值,我们可以看出这件光绪元宝保存得非常完好,铸字非常清晰,具有鲜明的历史特色。光绪元宝云南造三钱六分,经过岁月的洗礼和货币流通,钱币的两面变得非常光滑,在柔和灯光照射下会散发淡淡的银光。用手轻轻触摸,可以感受到清凉表面凹凸有致的龙纹与字,质感好,整体美观大方,具有不可言喻的收藏价值和投资价值。

This collection of guangxu ingot in yunnan province, the collection is better, clear font, neat, good texture, smooth brushwork, decorative carving fine, the coins are rare, has high collection value, we can see the guangxu ingot is very well preserved, casting word is very clear, with distinctive historical characteristics. Guangxu Yuanbao Yunnan made three money and six points. After years of baptism and currency circulation, the two sides of the coins became very smooth, and the coins will emit a light silver light under the soft light. Gently touch with the hand, you can feel the cool and refreshing surface concave and convex dragon lines and words, good texture, the overall beautiful and generous, with the indescribable collection value and investment value.


上一篇:老客稳定 新客可期 康平科技募资扩产打造发展新格局 下一篇:李亚鹤:给你《宠爱》,宠物用一生表述爱意的故事

